Safe human-machine collaboration

Movu human collaboration

Utilize the strengths of humans and robots simultaneously

Using Movu solutions for storage and picking makes the picking process more efficient and faster. Movu automation solutions can store large quantities of SKUs and automatically select the needed items for an order. This reduces errors and increases productivity.

Nevertheless, human labor is often still indispensable in the warehouse. People are able to perform complex tasks that cannot yet be fully taken over by machines. For example, they can identify incorrectly stored items or sort out damaged products.

Through the interaction of humans and machines in order picking, the strength of both sides can be optimally utilized. Machines take on repetitive, tedious or time-consuming tasks, while humans use their cognitive skills to solve problems and produce higher quality work.

Human-machine collaboration in order picking also has its benefits for workers. The use of machines cuts down on physically demanding tasks, which can in turn lead to a reduction in workplace accidents and injuries. Workers are able to focus on more demanding tasks and can make better use of their skills.

Overall, human-machine collaboration in order picking enables more efficient and accurate order fulfillment. By making the most of the strengths of humans and machines, you can make your warehouse more productive while simultaneously improving the working conditions for your employees.

Movu ifollow: human-machine collaboration with maximum safety

Movu ifollow is an Autonomous Mobile Robot (AMR) that can be used in the warehouse for a variety of purposes. An AMR equipped with autonomous navigation offers a high level of safety. The faster the robot moves in one direction, the larger its detection range becomes and even the smallest obstacle that comes close to the robot triggers an emergency stop.

Equipped with safety cameras and LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) units, Movu ifollow AMRs can navigate complex routes that would be far too narrow for alternatives like AGVs, and they have perfect perception of their surroundings. A Movu ifollow robot analyses its environment in real time to avoid obstacles or even overtake slower vehicles. Two 3D cameras provide three-dimensional perception with a wide field of view and volumetric detection of objects even at great distances. The safety LIDARs that detect the surroundings complement each other perfectly and play an essential role in the vehicle's 360° object detection.

When the robot interacts with humans, the navigation modes can take into account the proximity of the user, for example when preparing for orders. Another safety-relevant design element of the Movu ifollow AMR is its 100 % symmetry and its ability to navigate in both directions. This avoids time-consuming turning maneuvers.

Movu ifollow human collaboration

Ergonomic support for healthier workers

Through automation, you secure sufficient labor potential for the existing or growing business!

Movu eligo human collaboration

Work in the warehouse often involves repetitive body twisting, bending and other harmful movements. In times of an ageing workforces and persistent labor shortages, more ergonomic working conditions are not a luxury but a business necessity.

Automated systems such as collaborative robots that work with and support humans are optimal for preventing muscular or skeletal damage. It is precisely this type of damage that is responsible for most days of absence or early retirement from working life.

Solutions such as Movu ifollow or Movu eligo offer precisely this relief. In addition to benefits such as maximum accuracy and uninterrupted work, they relieve employees of ergonomically unfavorable tasks and at the same time increase picking productivity.

Your benefits at a glance

Relief for your workers

Increased productivity

Less absenteeism, more satisfied workers

Fast return on investment

Career opportunities

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Working at Movu is more than just a job – it’s an opportunity to be part of a fast-growing and innovative company. Through our hard work, perseverance and commitment we create cutting-edge automated products that will change the warehouse industry forever. Join us. Want to find out more?

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